NEXCOM 提供了新的解決方案来满足您对移动电脑产品的需求.针对广泛应用的车载系统,我们推出了车载通讯电脑系列(Vehicle Telematics Computer) 。而如果您需要的是工业电脑等级的移动式平板电脑,我们还有方便携带,及防震的强固型平板电脑系列(Mobile Rugged Computer) 。
HDMI、HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface等词汇、HDMI 商业外观及HDMI 标识均为 HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. 的商标或注册商标。
VTC 系列代表着创新的车载电脑解决方案,专为卡车、公车、公共服务车辆和急救车辆而设计。新汉的小型车载电脑提供多样的I/O介面和无线连接选项,以满足各种实用功能和应用需求。此外,VTC 系列还提供广泛的电源输入、点火电源管理和高效的散热系统,以确保在各种情况下稳定运行。
nROK 系列是最先进的铁路计算机,专为在地铁、快速列车和高速列车内运行而设计。新汉的铁路计算机通过 EN50155 认证,保证其能够抵御恶劣的铁路环境,包括温度波动、振动和冲击。 nROK系列配备金属防尘功能和宽范围电源输入,确保工业级可靠性并延长产品生命周期。
AI has evolved to become an integral component of automated vehicle technologies. The ATC and aROK series, featuring built-in, state-of-the-art AI accelerators, offer specialist Edge AI for in-vehicle/railway applications. In addition, these series feature an extremely wide opearating temperature range, military-standard anti-vibration/shock measures, and dust/water-proof IP ratings, ensuring consistent, reliable performance in harsh environments.
NEXCOM has also created versatile add-on modules to enhance the connectivity and functionaly of mobile solutions. These modules come in various form factors and offer a wide range of I/O interfaces to choose from. Each module is fully tested with in-vehicle computers to guarantee optimal compatibility.