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January 10, 2017

Bringing Intelligence to Retailing with IoT

Bringing Intelligence to Retailing with IoT


Dear Valued Customer,

Are you aiming to align cloud and data center infrastructure to digitally transform your enterprise? Seeking end-to-end solutions enabling you to react to customer needs and increase revenue?


The Intel hosted webinars on 11 January 2017, delivered by IDC*, Nexcom* and Intel, will feature case studies, best practices, technical master-classes and interactive Q&A sessions that can help you define and meet your business objectives.


Bringing Intelligence to Retailing with IoT (Live)
11 January (Wednesday) – 11.30am IST; 2.00pm SGT; 4.00pm AEST
Together with our partner, INTEL*, NEXCOM brings you a broader technology and better portfolio. Enabling you to attract customers, increase loyalty and strengthen retail operations.


Join Ooi Ping Chuin from Intel, APJ RSD Director, and Nelson Chang from NEXCOM*to learn about innovative smart retail solutions – deliver perfect customized shopping experience to maximize transaction. Nelson will also explain how you can increase your revenue in double with NEXCOM’s Audience Analytics tools.


Be the first to hear about the innovative technologies.


We look forward to hosting you at the Intel Webinars.


Please feel free to email and share these webinars with your colleagues.


Bringing Intelligence to Retailing with IoT


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